A middle aged apartment building concierge and the twelve year old daughter of one of the buliding's tenants... superficially, they would appear to have nothing in common. But their relationship goes beyond the superficial, as does this intelligent novel.
Originally published in French, the story seems to lose nothing in translation. The language is simple and beautiful, even when dealing with complex philosophical ideas.
Both of the novels main characters are overlooked by the far less intelligent people who surround them, Renee because of her station in life and Paloma because of her age. Their existence, in the background, allows them to see through the pretenses of the political and social heirarchy, even as they both believe they are trapped within in it. Paloma plans a suicidal escape, while Renee struggles to hide even the contents of her grocery bag, for fear of being found out. Their disguises start to fall away only when a wealthy Japanese man moves into the building and befriends them both.
This book will make laugh and cry, but primarily it will make you think. It is best read slowly and should be accompanied by wine and good cheese. You will be sad when all three are finished.
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