Friday, April 2, 2010

The World According to Garp

This is one of my favorite books in the universe. I read it for the first time when I was about 17, because my mom had told me not to read it. That's how I discovered all my favorites!

I re-read it every single year, and love it more and more with each read.

The writing is beautifully done, of course -- John Irving is a master. The book is an odd sort to categorize: Is it a romance? Sorta. Is it a tragedy? Sorta. Is it a comedy? Sorta.

It's one of those books where you laugh and laugh and laugh and feel horrible for doing so. And then, 10 pages later, you're crying your heart out, not even remembering the previous laughter.

I identify with different parts of it every time I read it. That's one of the characteristics of a good book, I believe. If you can read a book every year and find different things in it, find different things in YOU, then the book can be considered a success.

"Garp" is one of those books.

1 comment:

  1. Love this book. It's one of my all time favorites. John Irving is a brilliant, quirky, descriptive writer.
